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Legal Statement

Motel Styx is a government-recognized, legal establishment protected under the Lazarus Act. All staff, members, other guests, and those donating or having donated their bodies have all signed contracts of consent.

Motel Styx cannot be held liable for the behaviors of others who have signed these contracts.

We understand that necrophilia is a sensitive topic for many in the population and that, despite changes in law, taboo still surrounds it.

Once contracts are signed, they cannot be broken without the express permission of both Merl Bonvante (or an agent of the motel working on his behalf) and the signed party on the agreement.

Religious beliefs, whether those of remaining kin or those perceived to have been held by the donating decedent by their kin, do not nullify any contract held with Motel Styx.

Motel Styx commits to fighting all prosecution it deems unwarranted or unjust.